Sustainability at Rheon
Here is a summary of Rheon Automatic Machinery’s approach and initiatives with regard to E (Environment), S (Society), and G (Governance) to achieve a sustainable society and enhance corporate value. We hope to enhance communication with our stakeholders and expand this to the entire Group as we address a growing number of important issues going forward.

Basic Policy
Under our corporate motto, “Be a company worth existing,” we will work to solve social and environmental issues by contributing to the inheritance and development of food cultures throughout the world using our unique technologies and services. We also aim to continuously enhance our corporate value as a company trusted by society through proper corporate governance based on our Corporate Philosophy and Guiding Principles.
Key Issues
We have identified Environment, Human Resources and Organizations, and Technology Development as key issues under our Basic Sustainability Policy, and we are working on a number of issues, including the global environment, with the goal of achieving a sustainable society.
Environment (Contributing to the Environment)
We are actively working to protect the global environment and reduce CO2 emissions. Through our business activities (including eco-friendly products and services), we will help to create an eco-friendly society.

Human Resources and Organizations (Sound Management with a Focus on Diversity)
We will promote the development of global-minded personnel who will constantly pursue lofty goals and continue to grow. We will also strive to create a work environment that fosters enthusiasm and pride in one’s work so that the diversity of each individual can be fully utilized in the organization, all while simultaneously implementing appropriate corporate governance.

Technological Development (Solving Social Issues Through Technological Innovation)
As a pioneer in food processing machinery, we will continue to develop new, forward-looking technologies and address social issues through a variety of food-related research. We will also fulfill our responsibility as a company by providing our customers with safe, secure, and high-quality products.